Week 5: Repair

A deep impulse inside us to fix problems is erupting as we ourselves must accept help for our problems. Even those who have lost so much search for others who have lost more in an attempt to offer something, negotiating with the world where their place is in it. Humbled, we receive each other’s generosity and quietly promise to give it back one day, to someone.

Curated by Pam Marlene Taylor and Kaylan Buteyn.

Click photos below to see more detail.

How have you been helped during quarantine and who have you been able to help?

Becky Dickovitch: I have been helped by friends messaging to check in, and vice versa. I also donated some cat food to a local cat rescue group so that ferals and strays can still be fed during these tough times. 

Kasia Ozga: I have been helped by my partner with whom I share childcare duties (daycare has been closed for over a month in my area due to COVID-19). His emotional support and investment in our family has made it possible for me to focus on what matters, even when the daily news seems like a daily outpouring of despair. I have been able to help friends get through tough moments in their personal lives by being there to listen and commiserate on the phone or over the Internet.

Kristin Polich Snellings: Being at home with a six month old can be isolating and the daily check-ins from family and friends have meant everything.   Also, I am teaching from home during this time and have felt very encouraged and supported by my fellow teachers. I wish I could do more to help!  My family is doing our part and we are staying home which seems most important right now.  I am working hard to make positive and fun art assignments which I hope are helping my students get through this time in quarantine.  And along with so many others, I am sewing masks for friends, family, and medical providers that I know. 

Carole Loeffler: From the moment quarantine began I was pulled to get out into the streets and offer messages of support and comfort. I placed 25 Granny Graffiti messages on telephone poles throughout our neighborhood while on our daily family walks. A neighbor enjoyed the work so much that she created a scavenger hunt type contest of the work. From her prompting and support, I created a hand drawn map of my neighborhood and indicated all the locations that I installed work. She asked participants to take selfies and post them on a neighborhood facebook group. Some folks found nearly ALL of them. I hope these messages helped people (and continue to). I have been helped by my family – the resilient nature of my children and my husband’s sense of optimism and humor have brought me through some of my darkest hours. I have also connected with a group of artist, parent, academic friends and have weekly chats with them. Those weekly appointments have been such a bright spot in my (sometimes dark) week. In addition to that – my colleagues and students have helped to uplift me (and each other).

Sam Riesmeyer: I’ve been helped a lot by the people who are still buying art and supporting small artists like myself. My friends and family have also helped keep me sane by keeping up with constant video calls. Although not a direct example of helping, I have been doing my part by limiting excursions outside and maintaining a strict quarantine.

Kristin Bjornerud: An artist & collector in Montréal purchased one of my paintings this month. Receiving the support from someone who understands quite viscerally the turmoil in the arts right now is an extraordinary gift and I am so thankful. I have been checking in on an elderly neighbour offering on call delivery for groceries and other essential items. 

Ellen Greene: I have been given the gift of more time with my daughters. I have also additional time with just myself which equates into more time to make art. I am very grateful to not be in need currently. I still have my day job that is part of an essential business able to still operate. I have been able to help my co-workers by sewing masks for them so that they can work safely. I hope to continue to sew masks as a way to help.


Week 6: Fidget


Week 4: Isolation